Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thursday update - Fr. Nigel

Albany Intercessor

Fr. Nigel Update 7:43 AM

Thursday 11/19/09

      Fr. Nigel Mumford continues to be in critical condition in the ICU but he is improving every day, and all of his vital signs are stable. Your prayers are having an incredible effect. Fr. Nigel is now breathing for himself more than the machine is breathing for him. He continues to need the machine to help build up his diaphragm and chest muscles, but his lungs are healing. His PT sessions are getting longer and he is doing a bit more every day. He can now do a "curl" on his own – while his arm is lying on the bed he can lift up his hand, bending his elbow. He can’t do many repetitions yet, but this is much better than just three days ago. He can also move his ankles and toes, and with help from the PT therapist, he can bend his knee.

      Fr. Nigel’s attitude is one of a true Marine and a soldier of our Lord. He is forging forward up the mountain. He has a very positive outlook and he is able to communicate minimally with Lynn. She has become very good at lip reading and interpreting his facial expressions. Fr. Nigel now realizes that he won’t be silenced forever, but that for the time being his communication with the world around him is limited. For now he has lots of time to talk with our Lord and listen. As I prayed with him yesterday, he soaked it all in.

Let us pray for:

      Continued healing of his lungs so that he may be taken off the ventilator

      Continued strengthening of all his muscles

      Continued peace for him as he struggles through this period of silence, and as he clears his mind of all the sedation drugs

      And please continue to keep Lynn and the Mumford family in your prayers

You are all so gracious to continue your prayers for Fr. Nigel. Our Lord is hearing your prayers and answering them in so many ways. God bless you all.

From Elizabeth Strickland

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