Posted on Albany Intercessor:
Date: Sun, 29 N
ov 2009 08:01 AM
From: Elizabeth Strickland
Subject: Update on Fr. Nigel
Saturday 11/28/09
Fr. Nigel Mumford continues in ICU. He is completely off the ventilator, even at nighttime! Thank you, Lord Jesus.
In the determined manner of a Royal Marine, he is building his strength and has used a walker to get from his bed to his chair – a short distance but a huge accomplishment. He is very dizzy when he stands up.
As a result of letting you know about the E-cards at Saratoga Hospital, Fr. Nigel received over 300 e-cards the first day. Needless to say, it caused a bit of disruption to their system. On the bright side of that, Fr. Nigel was very touched. Perhaps it would be wise to hold off on sending any more cards until the hospital can recover from the massive response.
Please pray for:
* Complete and immediate healing of Fr. Nigel’s bedsores
* Complete healing and strengthening of Fr. Nigel’s lungs
* Building up of Fr. Nigel’s muscles – all of his muscles – so that he can regain his strength
* Elimination of the dizziness Fr. Nigel feels when he stands
* Peace and endurance for Lynn
Please give Praise and Thanksgiving to our Lord for the continued healing of Fr. Nigel. Our God is so awesome. He cares so much for each one of us -- He listens to our prayers. Bless you all for your continued and dedicated prayers.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Sunday Update on Fr. Nigel
Posted by
11:03 PM
Labels: Fr. Nigel
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Off the Ventilator!
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2009 15:53 p.m.
From: Elizabeth Strickland
Subject: Update on Fr. Nigel
Tuesday 11/24/09
Fr. Nigel Mumford continues in the ICU but his progress has been remarkable. There is cause for celebration – ALLELUIA, ALLELUIA, ALLELUIA! Fr. Nigel is off the ventilator! Thank you Lord God for prayers answered. He continues to receive some extra air at night in the amount very similar to what a C-PAP machine would provide (those are the machines that lots of people are wearing to bed now that provide relief from sleep deprivation/apnea). So that is a huge step forward in his road to recovery. He is talking a bit more now that he is off of the ventilator, and for the first time yesterday he was able to eat some pureed food.
Fr. Nigel is also spending a good deal of his day out of his bed and in a chair. He is also doing PT two times a day so that he can build his muscles back up so that he can regain use of his body. He is making real strides here as well. Your prayers are working wonders! As you may imagine, this is exhausting to him and he is worn out very quickly. But he had the strength to say “My life is coming back bit by bit.”
Please pray for:
* relief from some pain that he is experiencing from bed sores
* continued healing of his lungs
* continued strengthening of all of his muscles
* peace for Fr. Nigel in those anxious moments
* peace and strength for Lynn and the whole Mumford family
Please give Praise and Thanksgiving to our Lord for the healing that has taken place and that will continue to take place in Fr. Nigel. Our God listens to our prayers and answers them according to His will. You are all fantastic prayer warriors.
Lynn asks for no visitors until Fr. Nigel regains his strength and is out of ICU. You can send an e-card card to Fr. Nigel from the Saratoga Hospital website
Thank you for your faithfulness during Fr. Nigel’s illness, and I ask you to continue your prayers. This will be the last update until Monday November 30. Have a blessed Thanksgiving. I am thankful for Fr. Nigel’s illness because it has brought all of us closer to our Lord.
Prayer vigil for Fr. Nigel and Lynn: During the 48 hours of next Friday and Saturday (the two days after Thanksgiving Day, November 27 and 28 ) I would like each of us to commit to a half-hour of concentrated prayer and thanksgiving for Fr. Nigel and Lynn. Choose any half-hour of the day or night.
Albany Intercessor
Posted by
6:16 AM
Labels: Fr. Nigel
Monday, November 23, 2009
Fr. Nigel - Monday 11/23
Update on Fr. Nigel Mumford 12:00 PM
Monday 11/23/09
Fr. Nigel Mumford continues to be in the ICU in critical condition but he is stable. The fantastic news is that he briefly had his ventilator tube detached yesterday and he was able to speak for a short period of time before it was reattached. As I walked into the room, he said "Hello friend" - it was wonderful to see the joy in his face like a child who had just accomplished something brilliant. If all goes as planned, the hospital will wean him off of the ventilator within the next week.
Lynn said that he was out of his bed and sitting in a chair in his hospital room for several hours yesterday. This was exhausting for him but part of his PT program. He did not get there under his own power - the hospital used some sort of a lift to get him from his bed to the chair and back. But the fact that he was out of bed is significant and a gift from God.
Do you see how your prayers are working? Fr. Nigel is working hard to get better and your prayers are giving him the strength and the will. Surely our Lord is working a wonderful miracle here.
Please continue to pray for:
Complete healing and rejuvenation of Fr. Nigel’s lungs so that the ventilator can be removed for good
Strengthening of his muscles so that he can regain use of his body
Peace for his mind and spirit so that he can use this time to renew and refresh and not be anxious about the future
Comfort and peace for Lynn and the entire Mumford family
May God bless you all for your continuous prayer. All this news is CONFIRMATION that our Lord hears your prayers and your crying out, and that His will be done.
From: Elizabeth Strickland
Posted by
1:37 PM
Labels: Fr. Nigel
The Bible in 4 Minutes
Oh, wow!
Posted by
7:48 AM
Labels: Bible resources, Music
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Call for Prayer Vigil
Prayer vigil for Fr. Nigel and Lynn: During the 48 hours of next Friday and Saturday (the two days after Thanksgiving Day, November 27 and 28 ) I would like each of us to commit to a half-hour of concentrated prayer and thanksgiving for Fr. Nigel and Lynn. Choose any half-hour of the day or night.
Please pray for Fr. Nigel's Administrative Secretary,Sandra Lester as well.
Posted by
2:47 PM
Sunday 11/22 Update - Fr. Nigel
Prayer vigil for Fr. Nigel and Lynn: During the 48 hours of next Friday and Saturday (the two days after Thanksgiving Day, November 27 and 28 ) I would like each of us to commit to a half-hour of concentrated prayer and thanksgiving for Fr. Nigel and Lynn. Choose any half-hour of the day or night.
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2009 06:19 a.m.
From: Elizabeth Strickland
Subject: Update on Fr. Nigel
Sunday 11/22/09
Fr. Nigel Mumford continues in critical condition but he remains stable and he is improving every day. As an example, he was able to reach up and scratch his nose by himself with no help from Lynn. His muscles are gaining strength a little more each day, so our Lord is hearing your prayers. Even though he is still on the ventilator, his air pressure is being reduced as his lungs continue to strengthen. As that happens he is able to start to make vocal sounds. He has been able to say a couple of words, the first ones being “I love you” to Lynn – how appropriate! Each day contains new challenges and new accomplishments. Thank you Lord for your healing touch and that you are ever present.
Your prayers are having such an impact. Please keep them coming. As Fr. Nigel is able to understand more and more, he has been emotionally and spiritually overwhelmed by the knowledge of the extent of your prayers. Let us pray for:
* Healing of his lungs so that the ventilator can be removed
* Strengthening of his muscles so that he can regain his mobility
* Peace for Fr. Nigel as he re-enters His kingdom here on earth
* Peace for Lynn and the entire Mumford family
PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING to our Father who always hears our prayers, for Jesus who is always at our side, and for the presence and work of the Holy Spirit.
Sunday: 118; Isaiah 19:19-25; Romans 15:5-13; Luke 19:11-27
Monday: 106:1-18; Joel 3:1-2,9-17; 1 Peter 1:1-12; Matthew 19:1-12
Notes from the Front Line
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2009
From: Noel Dawes
Subject: Update on Fr. Nigel Mumford
Dear Sandra, Lynn and Nigel,
This is MOST encouraging news! Praise God!
With Jesus' love and blessings, Noel
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Canon Andrew P B White
Date: Sat, Nov 21, 2009
Subject: Re: Update on Fr. Nigel Mumford and Linda Dunlap as at Sat 21 Nov 09
Dear Noel,
Thank you so much for this good news. Our people here in Baghdad are taking this very seriously and are having three prayer meetings a week for Nigel. Today in church they were all asking about Nigel. One lady came up to me and assured me he would be alright. She said "Our prayers always work".
Blessings from Baghdad, Andrew
Dear Prayer Warriors,
Nigel's health continues to improve daily, little step by little step. It is clear he will have to have a great deal of physical therapy to get his muscles, joints and sinews working as well and as strongly as before. Communication continues to be frustrating for him, but there have been tiny steps forward with that too - mainly non-verbal methods of communication. It has been suggested that a prayer vigil for Nigel and Lynn should take place next weekend, Friday and Saturday (November 27 and 28 ), so, during that 48 hours can you prayerfully consider committing to a half-hour of *concentrated prayer and thanksgiving*. Include Nigel's administrative secretary, Sandra, in your prayers too as she has been the main person keeping Lynn going these past few weeks. And don't forget Nigel's step daughter, Meagan. Choose any half-hour of the day or night.
Pray for the next Welcome Home Initiative Retreat. We had a prayer, planning and discussion meeting about it last Tuesday and decided to shift the dates to 25-27 Jan 10 from 11-14 Jan 10. The Lord made the decision very clear. We rejoice that we already have our first two guests registered and we pray that Father Nigel will be well and strong enough to make at least one brief appearance at it - hopefully more than this - no expectations, only lots of hope - our expectation is that we will see the Lord continuing to work in him and through him most powerfully! With Jesus' love and blessings, Noel
Albany Intercessor
Posted by
2:45 PM
Friday, November 20, 2009
Fr. Nigel - Friday, November 20, 2009
Received via email:
Friday 11/20/09
Fr. Nigel Mumford continues in critical condition and will be considered critical until he is off the ventilator and is out of ICU, but he is stable which is very important. He is more alert every day and his sense of humor is evident even though he is hardly able to communicate. Lynn has become more adept at reading lips and although he doesn't try to speak too often, when he does it is usually to express some pain that he is in or a physical need that he has, such as being cold or having an itch, etc. It's hard to imagine, but he is still unable to reach up and scratch an itch on his nose, etc. He will be able to do that once he has regained his strength and the use of his muscles. I was told by a nurse that your muscles atrophy after one week of lying in bed without moving, and Fr. Nigel was lying there for 3 weeks without moving, so he has some real work to do to get his muscles back in shape.
All of his vital signs are normal, his fever is gone completely, and all of his organs are working well, with the exception of course of his lungs. Our Lord has certainly answered your prayers.
The doctor told Fr. Nigel yesterday that he had the Swine Flu and how close he was to death. After the shock of that, Fr. Nigel praised the Lord and thanked God for his recovery. He is more determined than ever to get better and get out of the hospital. Since yesterday was day 41, we likened his progress to his coming out of the desert. Fr. Nigel said that he realizes how "transforming" our God is. ( He actually mouthed that to Lynn!)
Please pray for:
The complete healing of Fr. Nigel's lungs so that he can be removed from the ventilator
Regaining strength in his muscles
Freedom from any pain that Fr. Nigel is experiencing
Peace for Fr. Nigel during this difficult time of limited communication
Peace and strength for Lynn and the entire Mumford family
Thanks and Praise to our Lord for the healing that has taken place and for the healing that will take place in Fr. Nigel's mind, body and soul. Thanks be to God for answering our prayers. Truly, our God is an awesome God!
Posted by
3:21 PM
Labels: Fr. Nigel
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Thursday update - Fr. Nigel
Albany Intercessor
Fr. Nigel Update 7:43 AM
Thursday 11/19/09
Fr. Nigel Mumford continues to be in critical condition in the ICU but he is improving every day, and all of his vital signs are stable. Your prayers are having an incredible effect. Fr. Nigel is now breathing for himself more than the machine is breathing for him. He continues to need the machine to help build up his diaphragm and chest muscles, but his lungs are healing. His PT sessions are getting longer and he is doing a bit more every day. He can now do a "curl" on his own – while his arm is lying on the bed he can lift up his hand, bending his elbow. He can’t do many repetitions yet, but this is much better than just three days ago. He can also move his ankles and toes, and with help from the PT therapist, he can bend his knee.
Fr. Nigel’s attitude is one of a true Marine and a soldier of our Lord. He is forging forward up the mountain. He has a very positive outlook and he is able to communicate minimally with Lynn. She has become very good at lip reading and interpreting his facial expressions. Fr. Nigel now realizes that he won’t be silenced forever, but that for the time being his communication with the world around him is limited. For now he has lots of time to talk with our Lord and listen. As I prayed with him yesterday, he soaked it all in.
Let us pray for:
Continued healing of his lungs so that he may be taken off the ventilator
Continued strengthening of all his muscles
Continued peace for him as he struggles through this period of silence, and as he clears his mind of all the sedation drugs
And please continue to keep Lynn and the Mumford family in your prayers
You are all so gracious to continue your prayers for Fr. Nigel. Our Lord is hearing your prayers and answering them in so many ways. God bless you all.
From Elizabeth Strickland
Posted by
4:43 PM
Labels: Fr. Nigel
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Hilda of Whitby
O God of peace, by whose grace the abbess Hilda was endowed with gifts of justice, prudence, and strength to rule as a wise mother over the nuns and monks of her household, and to become a trusted and reconciling friend to leaders of the Church: Give us the grace to respect and love our fellow Christians with whom we disagree, that our common life may be enriched and your gracious will be done, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
Posted by
7:07 PM
Labels: Saints' Days
Fr. Nigel - Day 40
Albany Intercessor:
Update on Fr. Nigel 3:33 PM
Wednesday 11/18/09
Fr. Nigel Mumford continues to be in the ICU and he continues to be stable. He is still on the ventilator but a part of the breathing is on his own now while the machine is doing some. That is a wonderful step forward – thank you Lord for answering our prayers.
He is having Physical Therapy (PT) each day and he is getting better in that area also – nothing major but still it’s progress in the right direction. The PT is extremely wearing on him and he gets exhausted from trying to lift his arms and legs, so prayer for that would be welcome. Fr. Nigel has been in the hospital for 40 days. That’s long enough. Let’s pray him out of there!
Please pray for:
Full healing of his lungs so that he can come off the ventilator [I can hardly wait to send out that email!]
Strength and stamina so that he can build up his muscles so that he can leave the hospital [I can’t wait to send that email also!]
Give Praise and Thanksgiving to our Lord for the healing and the protection of Fr. Nigel that has taken place so far, and that will take place
Strength and comfort for Lynn and for all the Mumford family
Your prayers are a comfort to Fr. Nigel and Lynn. Please keep them coming. Bless you all for your faithfulness to our Lord.
From : Elizabeth Strickland
Posted by
6:56 PM
Labels: Fr. Nigel
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Fr. Nigel update - 11/17
Subject: Update on Fr. Nigel 9:51 AM
Tuesday 11/17/09
Fr. Nigel Mumford continues to be in critical condition but he also continues to be stable. Although there are only a few of his family and clergy who are able to visit Fr. Nigel because he is still in ICU and he is “isolated” to prevent any further infection, he recognizes them readily.
His oxygen numbers are slowly being reduced (which means he is becoming less dependent on the machine) – Our God hears our prayers- Thank you God.
He is getting physical therapy (PT) each day to help initiate movement in his arms and legs, which of course have lost their muscle since he has been immobile for such a long period of time. This will take some time and a lot of PT to get him built up again. The PT takes a lot of energy and saps his strength. Since Fr. Nigel is still not able to talk because of the ventilator, he is quite frustrated when trying to get a point across. So please pray for his patience with that and with his inability to move his arms or legs on his own. I find that imagining what that must be like helps in my prayers.
Please pray for:
Immediate healing for his lungs so that he can be removed from the ventilator
Stamina and strength so that Fr. Nigel can start to rebuild his muscles
God’s Peace to ward off frustration
Fr. Nigel to focus on Christ and His healing touch
Blessings to you all for your perseverance in prayer! Our Lord is listening- Thanks and Praise to our Lord!
Elizabeth Strickland
Posted by
5:49 PM
Labels: Fr. Nigel
Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln
Once, when King John of England showed him an amulet which John believed could protect him from all harm, Hugh is reported to have said,
"Do not put your trust in lifeless stone, but only in the living and heavenly stone, our Lord Jesus Christ."(Not exactly the attitude towards statues, amulets, etc. that we are used to expecting from Medieval believers. Practically Protestant!)
Hugh was in many ways the English St. Francis of Assisi and the "real" Robin Hood. Like Francis, he had a great zeal for reforming and rebuilding the Church, defending it against the abuses of the wealthy and powerful, especially the Kings. And like Francis, he was renowned for his love and kindness, not only for children, the poor and outcast, but for animals. Reportedly the birds and squirrels ate from his hand and he had a tame swan which followed him around, slept near his bed and defended him from strangers. (Swans are large and mean birds!) Like Robin Hood, he was a champion of the poor. Hugh didn't rob the rich, so much as he refused to participate in the plundering of resources. He refused to fund Richard the Lion-Heart's foreign wars and would not consent to Henry II's appointment of a royal favorite to a meaningless but well-funded position. He even risked his life defending Jews when there were riots in England during the Third Crusade.
Hugh of Lincoln, one of my new favorite saints.
PRAYER (contemporary language)
Holy God, our greatest treasure, you blessed Hugh and Robert, Bishops of Lincoln, with wise and cheerful boldness for the proclamation of your Word to rich and poor alike: Grant that all who minister in your Name may serve with diligence, discipline and humility, fearing nothing but the loss of you and drawing all to you through Jesus Christ our Savior; who lives and reigns with you in the communion of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
links: Hugh of Lincoln
Mission St. Clare
Posted by
8:55 AM
Labels: Saints' Days
Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday update
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 07:43 a.m.
From: Elizabeth Strickland
Subject: Update on Fr. Nigel Mumford
Monday 11/16/09
Fr. Nigel Mumford is stable- thank you LORD! -- but he continues on the critical list because he is still on the ventilator. He is receiving brief sessions of physical therapy to help him regain use of his arms and legs and his general mobility. He is unable to communicate, so that is extremely frustrating for him, so please keep that in your prayers.
* Please pray for healing and rejuvenation of his lungs so that he can be removed from the ventilator.
* Please pray for the sedation to leave his muscles and tissues so that he can regain use of his body.
* Please pray for God's peace to be with Fr. Nigel as he struggles to understand his situation.
* Please pray for strength for Lynn as she travels this long road.
* We praise you and thank you Lord for the immense healing that has taken place and for the healing that will take place. May Your Will be done.
* The following is a message from Fr. Nigel's parents in England:
If somehow there is a chance of you saying an ENORMOUSE Thank you from David and me and our family and so many concerned friends over here for their devotion to prayer. We are absolutely sure that every word is used and put into action by The Father, through His Son Jesus and in the power of the Holy Spirit. and that none of this suffering will be wasted, but when it is handed back to Him He will recycle it to His greater Glory... with very much love and thanks, David and Jean.
* Blessings on all of you for your continued prayers. Fr. Nigel continues to need them and will need them for the long recovery ahead.
Albany Intercessor
Posted by
4:45 PM
Labels: Fr. Nigel
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sunday 11/15 - Fr. Nigel update
Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 09:01 a.m.
From: Elizabeth Strickland
Subject: Update on Fr. Nigel Mumford
Sunday 11/15/09
Fr. Nigel Mumford continues on the critical list but he is stable, which is a huge blessing. The ups and downs of the past 37 days have been a bit of a rollercoaster ride, so the stability of the past week or so is truly a blessing. His ventilator settings have been reduced a smidgeon, so that is heading in the right direction in order to get him off of the ventilator. Thank you Lord for the healing that is taking place.
* Please continue your prayers for a rejuvenation of his lungs that they may be healed so that he may be removed from the ventilator.
* Please give Praise and Thanksgiving to our Lord who hears our prayers and answers them and that His will may be done.
The Mumfords have sent a message that they would like to pass on to all of you faithful in your prayers:
“If somehow there is a chance of you saying an ENORMOUSE Thank you from David and I and our family and so many concerned friends over here for their devotion to prayer. We are absolutely sure that every word is used and put into action by The Father, through His Son Jesus and in the power of the Holy Spirit. and that none of this suffering will be wasted, but when it is handed back to Him He will recycle it to His greater Glory... with very much love and thanks, David and Jean.”
# posted by Albany Intercessor @ 12:25 PM 0 comments
Posted by
1:20 PM
Labels: Fr. Nigel
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Fr. Nigel update - Saturday 11/14
Fr. Nigel Update 11:28 AM
Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 11:23AM
From: Elizabeth Strickland
Subject: Update on Fr. Nigel Mumford
Saturday 11/14/09
Fr. Nigel continues on the critical list but he is stable and improving -- Thank you Lord! Although he is still on the ventilator, he is much more awake and recognizes his family and the different nurses and doctors. Even though he cannot talk, he has shown his sense of humor by making some very funny faces in response to questions. Although it is frustrating for him because he isn't able to communicate (he is such a huge communicator) he is able to express a lot through his facial expressions. He is beginning to move his fingers, feet and shoulders so your prayers for the cleansing of his body of the sedation are working so well -- please keep them coming. The difference of just one day is truly a result of your prayers and God's everlasting presence.
All of his other vital signs are normal. His temperature went up briefly but went back to normal. All of his organs are functioning properly.
Please pray for a rejuvenation of his lungs that they may heal and the ventilator can be removed.
Please continue to pray for the washing of the sedation from his body.
Praise be to our God who has healed Fr. Nigel and continues to heal him every day.
Praise be to our God for Lynn's continued strength -- may He continue to give her His peace.
Thanks be to God for all of you prayer warriors -- from your lips to God's ears!
# posted by Albany Intercessor @ 12:10 PM 0 comments
Posted by
8:00 PM
Labels: Fr. Nigel
Apologizing for the sins of others
I found this item over at Midwest Conservative Journal:
Traditional African rulers should apologise for the role they played in the slave trade, a Nigerian rights group has said in a letter to chiefs.
“We cannot continue to blame the white men, as Africans particularly the traditional rulers, are not blameless,” said the Civil Rights Congress
The comments and Chris Johnson's take on it are very interesting. I post this here, because for some reason I can never get that site to accept my comments.
I used to think that apologizing for someone else's sins was ridiculous. And of course, in most cases, it is. It can be an elitist, pride issue - oh, look at me, I know so much better, I am so holy that I see the sin they didn't. And it is often tied up with current political agendas - such as take away money and property from some group I don't like because their great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather did something wrong. But there is a truth (often misused, but still a truth) that confessing the sins of others, whether of one's own ancestors or of ones' nation, etc. opens up the blessings of God. To speak and pray the truth of history into a situation clears not only the air but the spiritual forces surrounding a situation.
Posted by
8:33 AM
Friday, November 13, 2009
Fr. Nigel - Friday, November 13, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Fr.Nigel Update 11:06 AM
Friday 11/13/09
Fr. Nigel Mumford continues in critical but stable condition. He continues to be on a ventilator and his oxygen levels are stable. As he is moved around by the nurses, oxygen is used so his numbers go up and down in relation to that, but generally his numbers are stable.
He is awake and responding to questions with a slight nod, although the sedative is still lingering in his system. He is aware that Lynn is there and he even smiles at her. As the sedative works its way out of his body he will be able to concentrate more and begin to move. So prayer for the sedative to be flushed out of his muscles and tissues would be great.
He had a slight fever yesterday, which is not uncommon for pneumonia, but for two previous days his fever had been normal. The rest of his vital signs are good.
So let’s pray for:
His lungs to be healed expeditiously by the Breath of our Lord so that he can be removed from the ventilator
The sedative be rinsed from his body by the Living Water of our Lord
We praise you Lord that Fr. Nigel’s vital signs are all stable and that his organs are all working through Your healing touch
We praise and thank you Lord for all your prayer warriors who continue to pray for Fr. Nigel and all your children who need healing
Please keep Lynn in your prayers for strength and stamina for the long road ahead.
Blessings to you all.
Elizabeth Strickland
# posted by Albany Intercessor
Posted by
3:17 PM
Labels: Fr. Nigel
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Fr. Nigel - 11/12
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Fr. Nigel Update 8:38 AM
Thursday 11/12/09
Fr. Nigel continues to make progress in amounts equal to a “mustard seed”. He is awake off and on and recognizes Lynn and is able to nod when asked a question. Because the sedation is still in the muscles and tissues and organs of his body, he has limited movement of his body but is able to squeeze Lynn’s hand. The nurses are moving his arms and legs to stimulate his limbs and get the oxygen and blood moving. His vitals are all steady and his temperature is normal – Praise the Lord!!
Please continue to pray for:
Complete healing of his lungs so that the ventilator can be removed
Flushing out of the sedation from his body so that he can regain movement and clear-headedness
Strength for Fr. Nigel as he begins processing all that is happening around him
Peace and strength for Lynn as she tends to Fr. Nigel, and for all of the Mumford family
Thank you all so much for your ever present prayers. It is through God’s Grace as He listens to your prayers that Fr. Nigel is where he is today.
Elizabeth Strickland
# posted by Albany Intercessor @ 9:43 AM 0 comments
Posted by
9:08 PM
Labels: Fr. Nigel
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Fr. Nigel - 11/11
Update on Fr. Nigel, Wed, 11 Nov 2009 08:37 a.m.
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2009 08:37 a.m.
From: Elizabeth Strickland
Subject: Update on Fr. Nigel
Wednesday 11/11/09
One quick note: I reported earlier that Fr. Nigel had H1V1 virus -- my typo error -- it was the H1N1 (Swine flu) virus that he had when he arrived at the hospital.
Fr. Nigel Mumford continues in critical condition but he also remains stable. He continues on the ventilator as his lungs continue to heal. The REALLY GOOD NEWS is that your prayers once again have been answered -- his temperature is back to normal. Thank you Lord Jesus for your healing touch! He continues to recognize Lynn but as you can imagine, he is very tired and disoriented. He is no longer receiving sedation, but because he was on it for so long there are remnants of it in his muscles and tissues and all parts of his body. We need to pray the sedation medicine be cleared from his body so that he can start to regain some muscle movement.
Please pray for:
* Healing of his lungs so that he may be removed from the ventilator
* Clearing of his muscles and tissues and organs and all areas of his body from the sedation medication
* Peace and rest for Fr. Nigel as he slowly regains awareness of his surroundings
* Rest for Lynn and the entire Mumford family
Thank you Lord for listening to the crying out of your people and for the healing that is taking place.
Albany Intercessor
Posted by
12:46 PM
Labels: Fr. Nigel
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Fr. Nigel Update 7:48 AM Tuesday 11/10
Fr. Nigel Update 7:48 AM
Tuesday 11/10/09
Your prayers are reaching our Lord’s ears and He is blessing Fr. Nigel and Lynn. Thank you Lord God and we praise you! Although Fr. Nigel continues to be in critical condition, he is stable and is improving ever so slightly. Although he is still immobile, he is now making eye contact with Lynn and reacting with expression to her soft words. He continues to be on the ventilator but his oxygen numbers are steady while his lungs continue to heal. All of his vital signs are stable. This is truly wonderful news and an answer to all of your prayers.
Please continue to pray for healing of his lungs, protection for all of his organs, a clearing of all the sedation from his muscles and tissues, and an elimination of his fever and healing of whatever is causing it. Please also keep Lynn and all the Mumford family in your prayers.
Praise be to God, and thank you for your continuous prayers.
Beth Strickland
Albany Intercessor
Posted by
9:36 AM
Labels: Fr. Nigel
Monday, November 9, 2009
Fr. Nigel Updates & Praises! 11/9
11/9/2009, #38, 4th Quarter 2009
Date: Sun, 08 Nov 2009 10:12 p.m.
From: Elizabeth Strickland
Subject: Update on Fr. Nigel, Monday 11/09/09, 10:12 p.m.
Fr. Nigel Mumford remains in critical condition on his 31st day in the hospital, but the good news is that your prayers are working! Although he is critical, he has improved slightly. Since his sedative has been eliminated, he is starting to awaken very slowly and his eyes are opening. He has been able to focus on Lynn and has even given her a slight smile, but then drifts off again. He is aware of his surroundings but his body is extremely weak.
His fever has been up and down, but it is lower today so your prayers are working against whatever is causing it -- thank you Lord for this healing.
Please pray for:
* protection against blood clots
* his lungs that they may heal so that he can be removed from the ventilator
* that his fever be back to normal and that the cause of the fever be eliminated
* a clearing of the medications from his muscles and tissues so that he can start to move again
* rest and strength for Lynn and all the Mumford family
We praise God for the healing that has taken place thus far. Your prayers are working so please keep them coming. May God bless and reward you for your faithfulness.
"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." (Matthew 18:19-20)
Albany Intercessor
Posted by
7:36 AM
Labels: Fr. Nigel
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Fr. Nigel update - 11/7
Fr. Nigel Update 10:18 AM
Saturday 11/7/09
Fr. Nigel continues to be in critical condition but he is stable. He is still on the ventilator but he is still improving on his “numbers” on the ventilator, which measure his oxygen intake and the ability of his lungs to take over for him. The doctors are working towards a day when he will be weaned from the machine. He continues to fight something that is causing a fever.
Fr. Nigel’s doctor advised Lynn late Friday afternoon that Fr. Nigel did have the H1V1 virus during his early time at the hospital. The Department of Health notified Fr. Nigel’s doctor that he had tested positive for the virus, even though initial testing had been negative for the virus. Although he tested negative at that time, he was medicated against the virus when he first came into the hospital 29 days ago and was recovering from that when he contracted the pneumonia.
Please continue to pray for Fr. Nigel’s recovery – for healing of his lungs, for protection of his organs, for a reduction of his temperature, and that his body can clear out the remainder of the medications. “In thy good time, restore him to health, and enable him to lead the residue of his life in thy fear and to thy glory;” (BCP 458)
Please also pray for Lynn that she may have the strength and stamina and protection for this long vigil.
Thank you all for your continued prayers. From your lips to our God’s ears.
Elizabeth Strickland
Posted by
4:08 PM
Labels: Fr. Nigel
Friday, November 6, 2009
Update on Fr. Nigel- Friday afternoon 11/6
Fr. Nigel Update 10:47 AM
Friday 11/6/09
Praise be to God! Fr. Nigel is slowly improving. He had a steady day yesterday and a good night last night. The doctors have taken him off his sedation so he is slowly, very slowly, “waking up”. The sedation that has been in his system for so many weeks now has to work its way out of his muscles and his system. He continues on the ventilator while his lungs are healing. Fr. Nigel continues to battle a fever, so as the doctors and nurses analyze that situation we will continue to pray for them. Let us pray:
For a reduction in the fever and whatever is causing it, and for knowledge, wisdom and skill to be bestowed upon the doctors and nurses as they tend to Fr. Nigel;
For protection for all of Fr. Nigel’s organs as his body recovers from all of the medications;
For complete healing of his lungs so that he can be removed from the ventilator and begin breathing on his own again;
For restoration of Fr. Nigel to full health.
For continued strength and rest for Lynn and the Mumford family.
Our God is an awesome God! He has heard your prayers. Although Fr. Nigel remains in critical condition, he is slowly improving. May God bless you in many ways for your constant prayers.
Beth Strickland
Deployment Officer
Diocese of Albany
518-692-3350 x504
Posted by
5:29 PM
Labels: Fr. Nigel
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Fr. Nigel update - 11/5
Fr. Nigel Update 7:45 AM
Thursday 11/5/09 7:45 AM
Fr. Nigel Mumford continues in critical but stable condition in ICU at Saratoga Hospital. Praise God for each one of you - your prayers are having a positive impact on Fr. Nigel’s healing. Although he is in critical condition, Lynn constantly sees “mustard seeds” of encouragement. The fact that his oxygen numbers are remaining the same or improving slightly is a true sign that your prayers are hitting their mark. The battle against this pneumonia is a difficult one and will only be won by long term vigilance and prayer.
Please continue to pray for :complete healing of his lungs; protection of all of his organs; elimination of his moderate fever and whatever pesky source is creating this fever;
Lynn to have rest and peace so that she may endure the long road of recovery ahead, and peace for all the Mumford family. Thank you for your determined prayers. God hears your prayers and is answering them. Praise be to God
Elizabeth Strickland
Albany Intercessor
Posted by
8:34 AM
Labels: Fr. Nigel
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Fr. Nigel - Wednesday Nov. 4th
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Fr. Nigel Update 7:37 AM
Fr. Nigel Mumford continues in critical condition but he is stable. He continues to tolerate more changes to his oxygen levels, which is a positive sign. He had a good night last night with all of his vital signs remaining constant. Alleluia – your prayers are working! Please keep praying Fr. Nigel up!
Please continue to pray for his lungs that they may be healed so that he may be weaned from the ventilator.
Please continue to pray for all of his organs that they may be protected from any damage, especially his kidneys.
Please continue to pray for his fever, that it may be eliminated and that whatever is causing it may be healed.
Please pray for protection from blood clots since he has been immobile for so long.
Lynn wants you to know that your prayers are having an effect on his condition. She recalled that Fr. Nigel has said “If you’re too sick to pray, you have healing ministers (prayer warriors) to take on your healing.” Thank you for taking on Fr. Nigel’s healing.
Please continue to pray for Lynn’s strength and calm in this storm, and for all of the Mumford family. It is particularly hard for Fr. Nigel’s family in England at this critical time, so extra prayers for them today. And please pray for the doctors and nurses as they care for Fr. Nigel.
Elizabeth Strickland
Albany Intercessor
Posted by
8:22 AM
Labels: Fr. Nigel
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Update on Fr. Nigel - Tuesday morning 11/3
Fr. Nigel update 8:30 AM Tues.
Fr. Nigel update 8:30 AM
Tuesday 11/3/09 8:30 AM
Good morning to all and praise to God for all the prayers yesterday. Fr. Nigel had a slightly upward day yesterday. His oxygen pressure was mildly reduced with no side effects which makes that a baby step forward once more. He continues to be in critical condition in the ICU and continues to be sedated so please - No Visitors. With concerns of transmission of the flu, you can certainly understand that all precautions must be taken to keep Fr. Nigel isolated.
Lynn prays for the day when she will be able to spread the news that Fr. Nigel has improved and has been taken off of the critical list, but Fr. Nigel is not there yet. So please continue your wonderful prayers for:
Complete healing of his lungs so that he may be taken off of the oxygen;
Protection of his organs, especially his kidneys;
Elimination of his fever and whatever is causing the fever
You know that Fr. Nigel can feel your prayers from afar, so Stand Firm and cry out to our Lord. Also, please continue to pray for Lynn for protection from sickness as she handles day 25 of Fr. Nigel’s stay in the hospital.
Blessings to all of you for your steadfastness in prayer and thanksgiving.
From Elizabeth Strickland
Albany Intercessor
Posted by
11:00 AM
Labels: Fr. Nigel
Monday, November 2, 2009
Intercessors for Nigel
Lent and Beyond
Intercessors for Nigel
Dear Lord,
All who live in the earth are Yours. All the intercessors are Yours. We thank You for the intercessors for Nigel. We thank You for their clean hands and their pure hearts. We thank You for their desire to seek You, to see Your face. We thank You for the blessings You have bestowed upon them.
Lord, if any of the intercessors for Nigel have sins of idolatry or false oaths that You wish them to confess, then stir their memories and bring these sins to the surface. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
We lift up their prayers and the fasting. May they use Your Holy Scripture as a sharp sword to cut gates and ancient doors into the heavens over Nigel, portals for the King of glory to come in. O Lord Almighty, You are the King of glory. Amen.
Psalm 24
Posted by
6:25 AM
Labels: Fr. Nigel