Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fr. Nigel Update 7:48 AM Tuesday 11/10

Fr. Nigel Update 7:48 AM

Tuesday 11/10/09
Your prayers are reaching our Lord’s ears and He is blessing Fr. Nigel and Lynn. Thank you Lord God and we praise you! Although Fr. Nigel continues to be in critical condition, he is stable and is improving ever so slightly. Although he is still immobile, he is now making eye contact with Lynn and reacting with expression to her soft words. He continues to be on the ventilator but his oxygen numbers are steady while his lungs continue to heal. All of his vital signs are stable. This is truly wonderful news and an answer to all of your prayers.
Please continue to pray for healing of his lungs, protection for all of his organs, a clearing of all the sedation from his muscles and tissues, and an elimination of his fever and healing of whatever is causing it. Please also keep Lynn and all the Mumford family in your prayers.
Praise be to God, and thank you for your continuous prayers.

Beth Strickland

Albany Intercessor

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