Saturday, November 7, 2009

Fr. Nigel update - 11/7

Fr. Nigel Update 10:18 AM

Saturday 11/7/09
Fr. Nigel continues to be in critical condition but he is stable. He is still on the ventilator but he is still improving on his “numbers” on the ventilator, which measure his oxygen intake and the ability of his lungs to take over for him. The doctors are working towards a day when he will be weaned from the machine. He continues to fight something that is causing a fever.
Fr. Nigel’s doctor advised Lynn late Friday afternoon that Fr. Nigel did have the H1V1 virus during his early time at the hospital. The Department of Health notified Fr. Nigel’s doctor that he had tested positive for the virus, even though initial testing had been negative for the virus. Although he tested negative at that time, he was medicated against the virus when he first came into the hospital 29 days ago and was recovering from that when he contracted the pneumonia.
Please continue to pray for Fr. Nigel’s recovery – for healing of his lungs, for protection of his organs, for a reduction of his temperature, and that his body can clear out the remainder of the medications. “In thy good time, restore him to health, and enable him to lead the residue of his life in thy fear and to thy glory;” (BCP 458)
Please also pray for Lynn that she may have the strength and stamina and protection for this long vigil.
Thank you all for your continued prayers. From your lips to our God’s ears.

Elizabeth Strickland

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