Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Order of the Daughters of the Holy Cross

From Anglican Mainstream:

Press Release from The Order of the Daughters of the Holy Cross

The Rt. Rev. Keith L. Ackerman’s Representative instituted The Order of the Daughters of the Holy Cross, admitted 90+ members and installed the elected officers of the National Board.

The vision of The Order of the Daughters of the Holy Cross is to gather Anglican women and girls into a nurturing and empowering community called to be servants of Jesus as He unites and builds up His Body, the Church.

The Rule of Life of the Order has four parts: Prayer, Service, Study and Evangelism. Women may become members as individuals or within a chapter of three or more members. Chapter members may be all from one congregation or from several nearby churches within various Anglican jurisdictions or denominations which qualify under its Faith Statement.

The Handbook of the Order, which contains the Faith Statement, Services and By-Laws, the Candidate Study Manual, and all necessary forms can be downloaded from the website: Contact information for the Order and for each of the officers is also available.

The joyous service was held at Holy Cross Anglican Church in Loganville, GA. The Rev. Dr. Foley Beach, Rector, celebrated the Eucharist. The Rev. Dr. Gilbert Crosby represented Bishop Ackerman, the Order’s National Chaplain, and the Rev. Steven Saul, Chaplain to the Formation Committee, presented the Order’s Charter and prospective members and gave the sermon.

The celebration was the culmination of 22 months of prayer and preparation by a Formation Committee which was made up of representatives of nearly all of the members of the Common Cause Partnership. The Committee and the Order’s first members were current or former members of The Order of the Daughters of the King. DOK National President Grace Sears gave a gracious and moving message of support and love at the founding of the new Order.

Moving forward, most Anglican women interested in becoming members will engage in a three-month period of study and discernment under the direction of a member before entering the Order.

However, through the rest of 2009, current or former DOK’s may apply to become charter members. Because of their familiarity with taking a lifetime vow and living in a community which holds to a common Rule of Life, these charter members are not required to complete the three-month period. They are asked to read the Handbook, review and conform their personal rule to the Rule of Life of the Order, and read the Candidate Study Guide before September 2010.

The National Council members and officers are: Jacque Crosby, President; Julie Wahtola, 1st Vice President; Gail Wacker, 2nd Vice President, TeriLyn Dillon, Secretary; Charlotte Barrett, Treasurer; Jean Marani, Advisor to the President; Jean Williams, Pat Barnidge, Marianne Freehling, Barbara Schaeppi-Hildreth, Kathy Aspden and Carlene Riley.


Front row: The Rev. Steven Saul, Julie Wahtola – 1st Vice President, Marianne Freehling, The Rev. Dr. Gilbert Crosby, Jacque Crosby – President, Jean Williams
Back row: Kathy Aspden, Barbara Schaeppi-Hildreth, Pat Barnidge, Jean Marani – Advisor to the President, Gail Wacker – 2nd Vice President, TeriLyn Dillon – Secretary, Charlotte Barrett – Treasurer.

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