Sunday, August 23, 2009

Seminarian in the family

Next week we help our eldest son move to Trinity School for Ministry. It's a time of great excitment and anticipation. He finished his Bachelor's Degree in May and is now in the process of seeking ordination through the Diocese of Albany.

His undergrad work was done at a conservative Roman Catholic college, where he was, for most of his college years, not only one of the few Protestants on campus, but the only Episcopalian.

Now, off he goes to what is still officially a seminary of TEC. He just received an email from Trinity, a listing of his incoming class. The seminarians are asked to pray for their fellow classmates. Not only were the names of his fellow seminarians listed, but also their demoninational affilation.

Guess who is the ONLY Episcopalian? Everyone else is CANA, ACNA, AMIA, international Anglican provinces and a smattering of other Protestant denominations.

While he is still in the minority, he (& everyone else in the family) thinks this confirms his choice of seminary. It's looks like orthodoxy from here!

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