Saturday, July 19, 2008

Prayer for Bishop Love

Please pray for our Bishop.

Holy Spirit, be merciful to the bishops assembled at the Lambeth Conference and bless them; show them the light of Jesus' countenance and be merciful to us. Make Jesus' way known upon earth and your saving health among all the provinces of the Anglican Communion. Help us to praise you and the Father and the Son; yes, let all the peoples praise you. Let the peoples represented at Lambeth rejoice and be glad, for Jesus shall judge us all righteously and govern the nation upon earth. Let the people praise you, O God; yes, let all the people praise you. Then the earth shall bring forth its increase and you, even our own God, shall give us his blessing. (From the Deus mesereatur, Psalm 47 of Evening Prayer)

(from Albany Intercessor)

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