Thursday, May 22, 2008

Why I am embarrassed to be an Episcopalian #1

There's a little book called "101 Reasons to be an Episcopalian" put together by Louie Crew. I think it's time for an new volume. This one should be titled "Reasons I am embarrassed by the Episcopal Church"

Here's a good entry for #1. Not that it's the worst by any means. It just happens that this lame & inane ad campaign is starting today.

"Put your faith to work"
is all well and good as an ad campaign for the Red Cross or some social service agency, but there is NO reference to Jesus Christ AT ALL. In fact there is no reference to GOD. This ad would serve just as well for Muslims, Jews, Wiccans, Buddhists, Thor-worshippers, anyone.

I don't see this inspiring a lot of people to get out of bed early Sunday morning and go worship. I don't even see this as inspiring many people to go slice carrots at a soup kitchen.

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