Wednesday, April 9, 2008

First they came for the old.....

I found the link for this story at Billy Ockham. What in the world is going on with TEC? The leadership is turning on the elderly, inhibiting and deposing 70 and 80 year old men, most in ill health or with failing family members. This begins to look like a deliberate purge. Get rid of any of the old guard, discredit and defame them. Then, who will be next? The conservative or even moderate bishops? Yes, look at Pittsburgh. Then, the priests and deacons. Lastly, with changes in canon law at GC2009, prosecute and purge any laity that dare to open their mouths.

Call me naive, but this just does not look to me to be the way to build a church. Welcome to the Episcopal Church! Once you walk through these doors, you give up all rights to your own property, actions and thoughts. You will do and think as we say or we will grind you into the dust.

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