Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Bishop of Fort Worth writes to his clergy

Whatever difference I may have with the good bishop of Fort Worth (I stand more on the +Pittsburgh side), this man is not only standing for the gospel, he has a great sense of humor.


From StandFirm....

Please advise as to what alternatives to palms you will be using tomorrow at church, so that we do not continue to rape the earth's green plants.

Green streamers will not do (inspiring as they are!), as they are not bio-degradeable.

Also, please - no live donkeys in the procession this year! Like the cattle we raise, they emit gases injurious to the atmosphere and contribute to excessive rains and flooding for our South Pacific neighbors.

Now that you have completed your MDG Stations of the Cross, I expect that they will be duly honored (blessed be the MDG's) in the prayers of the people tomorrow.

Make no doubt about it: I will be watching you!


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