Monday, February 4, 2008

Dylan Eucharist

(h/t to BabyBlue)

Okay, this kinda bothers me.

I don't really like this whole idea of crafting a Eucharist around one particular artist or group. The whole "U2charist" thing focuses on a band and our particular musical tastes, rather than being the Great Thanksgiving, focused on Christ.

I don't have a major problem with using some Dylan songs in the service, but this looks more like going to a karioke concert than a worship service.

Will it bring in people? Probably. But that still doesn't mean it should be done. It wouldn't bring me in. I'm not a big Dylan fan. (Sorry, BabyBlue.) If forced to choose, I'd pick this over a clown eucharist or polka mass any day. But I'd rather not participate in any of them.

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