Friday, January 25, 2008

More on Hindu/Episcopal Service in Los Angeles

This correction was in the LA Times yesterday:

Hindu-Episcopal service: An article in Sunday's California section about a joint religious service involving Hindus and Episcopalians said that all those attending the service at St. John's Cathedral in Los Angeles were invited to Holy Communion. Although attendees walked toward the Communion table, only Christians were encouraged to partake of Communion. Out of respect for Hindu beliefs, the Hindus were invited to take a flower. Also, the article described Hindus consuming bread during Communion, but some of those worshipers were Christians wearing traditional Indian dress.

I'm not really impressed. It seems that the ONLY reason Hindus apparently did not partake of the Eucharist was out of respect for Hindu beliefs, not any respect for Christian belief. I also note that the correction says "some" of those wearing traditional Indian dress were Christians. So I'm still not reassured that the sacraments were handled in any way reverently or properly.

And in a way, it doesn't really matter that this correction was printed (who ever reads the corrections anyway?). The impression given was that Hindus & Christians broke bread together, not in a fellowship meal but in the central sacrament of the Christian faith.

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